Daintree Home Toh Tuck Road

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The Daintree House is generally a leasehold development by Malaysia based developer called SP Setia and it's 99-years old. Daintree House Layout includes different type and design for you to select from. Each design is attentively developed to improve your home https://www.daintrees-residence.com/ experience and bring more comfort to you and your family. The floor plan design will deal with house owners by being more spacious. Exclusive 327 units consists of 1-4 Bedroom with Efficient designs, Elegant Quality surfaces & fittings.< New Condo Launch ='text-align:center'>

Daintree Home is the brand-new condo domestic task established by the widely known Malaysian real-estate designer, S P Setia Bhd Group with a leasehold 99-years. The property developer, S P Setia has acquired this land by putting the bid of 265 million dollars for the plot of land at 18,721.4 sq. m for Daintree condo There was a submission of 24 bids by different designers for the land which lies at the prime place. Daintree Residences is located close to numerous authentic eateries such as coffee shops which serves excellent pancakes in addition to other deserts for your factor to consider.

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Click OK to view or Cancel to discard the draft?";
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Click OK to view or Cancel to discard the draft";
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var sid = getParameterByName("draftid");
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document.title = "Edit Post";
var postItems = type: 'GetDraftData', mid: sid
$.post("ZBlogHandler.ashx?t=" + (new Date()).getTime(), postItems, function (data)

document.title = "New Post";
$("#CreateBlogTitle").html("Create New Post");

function GetMessageDetails(data)
if (data != null) Message.substring(0, 11) == "[PollCubee:")
GetSingleCubeePointerContent(unescape(Message), tinyMCE.activeEditor);

if ($("#SlideShowContainer").length > 0)
$("#SlideShowText").html("Modify Slide Show");
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$("#tinymce img").css("max-width", "100%");

//added by Soumya, on 2015, this helps to identify whether the editor content been edited

if (getParameterByName("mid") != null)


if (b3post[0].FromUserUIN != $('#hdnLoggedInUIN').val())

function RemoveSlideShowImage(ObjectImage)

if ($("#slideShowPreview img").length == 0)
$("#SlideShowText").html("Add Slide Show");

function PlaySlideShow()

if ($("#slideShowPreview img").length > 0)
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function StartSlideShow()
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i = 0;
function PlaySlideShow()
var next = (++i % $SlideShowImages.length);
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var interval = setInterval(PlaySlideShow, 1000);
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function GetContestDetails()
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$("#chkbx" + getParameterByName('chval')).attr('checked', true);
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//In this case new contest entry is being created, below code to remove all channels other than the cotest from the list
$("#chkchannels .ChannelItemsList >.ChannelItemsListCheckGroup >input:checkbox").filter(':not(#chkbx' + getParameterByName('chval') + ')').parent().parent().remove();
//Remove border for the contest channel as it is the last one
$("#chkchannels .ChannelItemsList").css('border', 'none');
//Disable the channel to prevent uncheck
$("#chkbx" + getParameterByName('chval')).attr('disabled', 'disabled');

/// START : Create New Blog Functionality

function BlogAddOrEdit()
var SomeURL = "";
var uin = $.trim($("#hdnLoggedInUIN").val());

var head = document.getElementById('txtPostHead').value; var blogType = getParameterByName('type');
var category = document.getElementById('txtPostCategory').value; var themeID = "";
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$.post("ZBlogHandler.ashx?t=" + (new Date()).getTime(), postItems, function (data)
if (data != null)
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//Sort Items
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var ret = 0;
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if (a > b)
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if (a < b)
ret = -1;
return ret;





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return false;

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if (document.getElementById('txtPostCategory').value.trim() == "")
document.getElementById('txtPostCategory').value = "General";


//////////END : Create New Blog Functionality

//////////START : Create New Blog Post Functionality
//Functions to get Tags from the post content
var ExpectedNumberOfKeywords = 30;
function AvoidWords(StringContent, AvoidWordsArray)
var SplitContentArray = StringContent.split(' ');
var ResultArray = $.grep(SplitContentArray, function (value, index)
for (var WordCount = 0; WordCount < AvoidWordsArray.length; WordCount++) ing\\b
, true);
return ResultArray.slice(0, ExpectedNumberOfKeywords);

function cleanArray(actual)
var newArray = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < actual.length; i++)
if ((actual[i].trim() != "") && (actual[i].trim().length < 10) && (actual[i].trim().length > 2))

return newArray.toString();

function GenerateTags() /ig,
).replace(/\[/ig, ).replace(/\]/ig, ).replace(/\/ig, ).replace(/\/ig, ).replace(/\`/ig, ).replace(/\~/ig, ).replace(/\_/ig, ).replace(/\-/ig, );
var WordsExtract = AvoidWords(StringContent.toLowerCase(), SomeArray);
return cleanArray(WordsExtract);

//START : Slide Show Functions
//Changed by SREEJAYA on 13th June 2016....B3 editor supports Full URL so slideshow icon should be full URL
var SlideShowIcon = '<img src="http://b3.zcubes.com/img/blog/SlideShow.png" alt="" />';
function ReplaceSlideShow()
var SlideShowContent = $("#SlideShowTemplate").html();
SlideShowContent = SlideShowContent.replace(/SOMEID/gi, "");
var img = "";
$("#slideShowPreview img").each(function (i, e)

img = img + "<img src='" + $("#slideShowPreview img")[i].src + "' >";
//alert("img" + img);

//SlideShowContent = SlideShowContent.replace(/SOMECONTENT/gi, $("#slideShowPreview").html());
SlideShowContent = SlideShowContent.replace(/SOMECONTENT/gi, img);
//tinymce.activeEditor.setContent(tinymce.activeEditor.getContent().replace(SlideShowIcon, SlideShowContent));
return tinymce.activeEditor.getContent().replace(SlideShowIcon, SlideShowContent);

//END : Slide Show Functions

function ContestValidation()

if ($.trim($("#HiddenContestID").val()) != "")
if (parseInt($.trim($("#HiddenContestID").val())) > 0)
var ContestCheckbox = $("#chkbx" + $.trim($("#HiddenContestID").val()));
if (ContestCheckbox.attr("checked") == undefined)
if (ContestCheckbox.prop("checked"))
IsContestEntry = true;

if (ContestCheckbox.attr("checked"))
IsContestEntry = true;

if (IsContestEntry == true)
if ($("#divPreview img").attr("src") == null)
alert("Selfie channel need an image to continue.");
return true;

if (AttachmentType == "")
return false;
if (AttachmentType.toUpperCase().indexOf($("#divPreview img").attr('src').split(".").reverse()[0].toUpperCase()) == -1 && ($("#txtBlogCategory").val() == $("#chkbx" + getParameterByName('chval')).parent().next().html()))
alert("Image file format is not valid. Please send .JPG/.JPEG/.BMP/.PNG/.GIF files.");
return true;

return false;

function ValidateDraft()
if (!IsEmptyEditor())

return false;

return true;

var SomeDraftArray;
function ValidateDraftExists()
clickReceived = false;
if ($("#btnDraft").html() == "Revert to Draft")
var postItems = type: 'CheckDrafts', MessageId: mid
$.post("ZBlogHandler.ashx?t=" + (new Date()).getTime(), postItems, function (data)
var vAnswer = false;
if (data != null && data != "") ', 2, "");

/*vAnswer = confirm(ConfirmDrafts);
if (vAnswer == true)



else if (vAnswer == false)




function ViewDrafts()


function DiscardDrafts()

function OverwriteWithDraftContent()
//added by Soumya, on 2015, this helps to identify whether the editor content been edited


function DeleteDraftVersion()
var postItems = type: 'OverwriteDrafts', MessageId: mid
$.post("ZBlogHandler.ashx?t=" + (new Date()).getTime(), postItems, function (data)
var vAnswer = false;
if (data != null && data != "")


function ValidatePublishOrUpdate()
if ($.trim($('#txtBlogHead').val()) == "")
$('#spnHeadRequired').css('display', 'inline');
$('#spnCategoryRequired, #spnContentRequired').css('display', 'none');
return false;

else if (!IsEmptyEditor())
$('#spnContentRequired').css('display', 'inline');
$('#spnCategoryRequired, #spnHeadRequired').css('display', 'none');
return false;

else if (ContestValidation())

$('#spnHeadRequired').css('display', 'none');
$('#spnCategoryRequired').css('display', 'none');
$('#spnContentRequired').css('display', 'none');
if ($.trim($('#txtBlogCategory').val()) == )

return true;

var SaveType =
function SaveAsDraft(SomeAction)
sid = $("#selectblog").val() == null ? (getParameterByName('sid') == undefined

function SaveAsDraftAuthorisedUser(SomeAction)
IsDraft = '1';
SaveType = (SomeAction == undefined && $.trim($("#btnDraft").html()) == "Revert to Draft") ? "revertdraft" : "draft";
//Set all button pointer-events: none, to avoid click these buttons before finishing current Draft/Publish
//$(".buttondivnewpost").css("pointer-events", "none");
$("#SaveStatus").html("Draft Saving...");

function PublishOrUpdate()
if (document.cookie.indexOf("ZCookie") == -1)

if (ValidatePublishOrUpdate() == true)
$(".buttondivnewpost").css("pointer-events", "none");
sid = $("#selectblog").val() == null ? (getParameterByName('sid') == undefined

function PublishOrUpdateAuthorisedUser()
IsDraft = ;
SaveType = $.trim($("#btnPublish").html()) == "Publish" ? "publish" : "update";
//$(".buttondivnewpost").css("pointer-events", "none");
$("#SaveStatus").html("Post Saving...");

function PostBlogWithPreview(preview)
if (IsDraft == "1")


postItems = type: "capvalidate", "g-recaptcha-response": $("#g-recaptcha-response").val() ;
$.post("ZBlogHandler.ashx?t=" + (new Date()).getTime(), postItems, function (data)
var dt = JSON.parse(data);
if (dt.success && IsDraft != "1")

else if (IsDraft == "1")

else if (!dt.success)
$("#SaveStatus").html("Captcha verification failed.");

$("#SaveStatus").html("Please click on Captcha.");


function isAbusive(str)
var badWords = ['kiss', 'masturbate', 'blowjobs', 'porn', 'erotic', 'sex', 'nude', 'sex-toys', 'sexy', 'sexual', 'dildo', 'adult toys', 'adult-toys', 'sex-dolls', 'sex-doll', 'intercourse toys', 'micropenis', 'vibrator', 'Live Sex Show', 'Adult webcams', 'child sex', 'penis', 'anal', 'Porn Video', 'porn movie', 'Adult Webcams', 'x-videos-porn', 'child sex', 'create a bomb', 'create bombs', 'buy a gun', 'buy guns', 'Oral sex', 'vibrator', 'online sex', 'cam sex', 'sex toy', 'sex doll', 'butt plugs', 'nude', 'foreplay', 'local couples', 'dating', 'escorts', 'escort', 'shemales', 'vigrx', 'lesbians', 'betting', 'gambling', 'sex massage', 'erotic massages', 'porno', 'lingerie', 'sextoys', 'homosex', 'homosexual', 'bbw', 'pov', 'xxx', 'phonesex', 'phone-sex', 'phone sex', 'intercourse', 'threesome', 'call girls', 'cannabis', 'marijuana', 'weed', 'cbd', 'Aurora Cannabis', 'Aurora pot', 'aurora', 'white widow', 'Grow cannabis', '안마', '섹스', '포르노', '키스', '입으로', '포르노', '에로틱한', '섹스', '나체상', '섹스토이', '섹시한', '성적', '딜도', '성인용장난감', '성인용장난감', '섹스인형', '성인형', '성교용장난감', '미소누공', '진동기', '라이브섹스쇼', '성인웹캠', '아이섹스', '음경', '항문', '포르노비디오', '포르노영화', '성인웹캠', '엑스비디오포르노', '아이섹스', '폭탄을만들다.', '폭탄을만들다.', '총을사다.', '총을사다.', '구강성교', '진동기', '온라인섹스', '캠섹스', '섹스토이', '섹스인형', '맞대기플러그', '나체상', '전희', '지역커플', '데이트', '호위하다', '호위', '시녀들', '비그', '레즈비언', '도박', '도박', '섹스마사지', '에로틱한마사지', '포르노', '란제리', '섹스토이', '동성애', '동성애자', 'bbw', '포', '트리플엑스', 'phonesex', '전화-​​섹스', '전화섹스', '교통', '삼인조', '여자전화', '대마초', '삼', '담배', 'cbd', '오로라대마초', '오로라냄비', '오로라', '하얀창문', '대마초재배', '안마', '吻', '口交', 'A片', '好色之徒', '性别', '裸体', '性玩具', '性感的', '有性', '假阳具', '成人玩具', '成人玩具', '性爱玩偶', '性爱娃娃', '性交玩具', '阴茎', '振子', '现场性爱秀', '成人摄像头', '孩子的性别', '阴茎', '肛门', '色情录像', '色情电影', '成人网络摄像头', 'X-视频色情', '孩子的性别', '制造炸弹', '制造炸弹', '买枪', '买枪', '口交', '振子', '在线性', '凸轮性', '性玩具', '性玩偶', '对接插头', '裸体', '前戏', '当地夫妇', '约会', '护送', '护送', 'shemales', '让VigRX', '女同志', '博彩', '赌博', '性按摩', '色情按摩', '色情', '女用贴身内衣裤', '性爱工具', 'homosex', '同性', 'BBW', 'POV', 'XXX', 'phonesex', '电话性爱', '手机性爱', '交往', '三人组', '应召女郎', '麻', '大麻', '野草', 'CBD', '极光大麻', '极光壶', '极光', '白寡妇', '种植大麻', '안 마', '吻', '口交', 'A片', '好色之徒', '性別', '裸體', '性玩具', '性感的', '有性', '假陽具', '成人玩具', '成人玩具', '性愛玩偶', '性愛娃娃', '性交玩具', '陰莖', '振子', '現場性愛秀', '成人攝像頭', '孩子的性別', '陰莖', '肛門', '色情錄像', '色情電影', '成人網絡攝像頭', 'X-視頻色情', '孩子的性別', '製造炸彈', '製造炸彈', '買槍', '買槍', '口交', '振子', '在線性', '凸輪性', '性玩具', '性玩偶', '對接插頭', '裸體', '前戲', '當地夫婦', '約會', '護送', '護送', 'shemales', '讓VigRX', '女同志', '博彩', '賭博', '性按摩', '色情按摩', '色情', '女用貼身內衣褲', '性愛工具', 'homosex', '同性', 'BBW', 'POV', 'XXX', 'phonesex', '電話性愛', '手機性愛', '交往', '三人組', '應召女郎', '麻', '大麻', '野草', 'CBD', '極光大麻', '極光壺', '極光', '白寡婦', '種植大麻', '안 마', 'Beso', 'mamadas', 'pornografía', 'erótico', 'sexo', 'desnudo', 'juguetes sexuales', 'sexy', 'sexual', 'consolador', 'juguetes para adultos', 'juguetes para adultos', 'muñecas sexuales', 'muñeca sexual', 'juguetes sexuales', 'micropene', 'vibrador', 'Show de sexo en vivo', 'Webcams para adultos', 'sexo infantil', 'pene', 'anal', 'Video porno', 'pelicula porno', 'Webcams para adultos', 'x-videos-porno', 'sexo infantil', 'crear una bomba', 'crear bombas', 'comprar un arma', 'comprar armas', 'Sexo oral', 'vibrador', 'sexo en línea', 'cam sex', 'juguete sexual', 'muñeca sexual', 'tapones de trasero', 'desnudo', 'los juegos previos', 'parejas locales', 'saliendo', 'escoltas', 'escolta', 'travestis', 'Vigrx', 'lesbianas', 'apuesta', 'juego', 'masaje sexual', 'masajes eroticos', 'porno', 'lencería', 'sextoys', 'homosexual', 'homosexual', 'bbw', 'pov', 'xxx', 'phonesex', 'teléfono-sexo', 'sexo telefónico', 'coito', 'grupo de tres', 'prostitutas', 'canabis', 'marijuana', 'hierba', 'CDB', 'Aurora Cannabis', 'Olla de aurora', 'Aurora', 'ventana blanca', 'Cultivar cannabis', '안마', 'beijo', 'boquetes', 'pornô', 'erótico', 'sexo', 'nu', 'brinquedos sexuais', 'sexy', 'sexual', 'dildo', 'brinquedos para adultos', 'brinquedos para adultos', 'bonecas sexuais', 'boneca sexual', 'brinquedos sexuais', 'micropênis', 'vibrador', 'Show de sexo ao vivo', 'Webcams para adultos', 'sexo infantil', 'pênis', 'anal', 'Vídeo Pornô', 'filme pornô', 'Webcams para adultos', 'x-videos-porn', 'sexo infantil', 'crie uma bomba', 'criar bombas', 'compre uma arma', 'comprar armas', 'Sexo oral', 'vibrador', 'sexo online', 'cam sex', 'brinquedo sexual', 'boneca sexual', 'butt plugs', 'nu', 'preliminares', 'casais locais', 'namoro', 'escolta', 'escolta', 'shemales', 'vigrx', 'lésbicas', 'aposta', 'jogos de azar', 'massagem sexual', 'massagens eróticas', 'porno', 'lingerie', 'sextoys', 'homossexual', 'homossexual', 'bbw', 'pov', 'xxx', 'phonesex', 'sexo por telefone', 'sexo por telefone', 'relação sexual', 'trio', 'garotas de programa', 'maconha', 'maconha', 'erva daninha', 'cbd', 'Aurora Cannabis', 'Pote de Aurora', 'aurora', 'janela branca', 'Grow cannabis', '안마'];
var isTrue = false;
if (str)
for (var i = 0; i < badWords.length; i++) \s/g,
).toLowerCase().indexOf(badWords[i]) + 1);
if (isTrue)

return isTrue;

var badwordflag = false;
function BadWords()
var comments = $("#divOriginalHTML");
//for (var i = comments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
//console.log(i, $(comments[i]).text())
//if (isAbusive($(comments[i]).text()))
if (isAbusive(comments.text())

function HideBlogPost(cid, id, IsDraft)
//params = 'fnid=3&cid=' + cid;
//var urlDeleteBlog = "CubeeControlFunctions.aspx?" + params;
//$.post(urlDeleteBlog, function (data)
var postItems = type: 'HideFromBlogHome', ID: cid
$.post("ZBlogHandler.ashx", postItems, function(data)
if (data != null)
// alert(data);
if (data == "Success")
// id.parentElement.parentElement.remove();
// LayOut();


function PostBlogWithPreviewOriginal(preview) );

function RedirectToBlogPost()
setTimeout(function ()
GotoBlogs('bp', IsDraft);
, 4000);

// function CheckThisPostInMenu(cid, id, IsDraft)
// //Ajax the current menu, compare with this id.
// //var PostItems = type: 'GetWebsiteMenuJSON', sid: getParameterByName("sid")
// var PostItems = type: 'GetMenuHtmlIfExist', sid: getParameterByName("sid")
// $.post("ZBlogHandler.ashx", PostItems, function (data)
// if (data != null && data != "" && data.length > 13)
// var js = decodeURIComponent(data);

// if (js.indexOf(cid) > -1)
// if (confirm('Delete this post may cause to reset the menu. Do you want to proceed?'))
// //alert("proceed");
// DeleteBlogPost(cid, id, IsDraft);

// if (IsApp)
// location.href = "menuoptions.html?app=m&zname=" + getParameterByName("zname") + "&sid=" + getParameterByName("sid") + "&src=bpv&edit=true&save=true&blogname=" + $("#spnHeading").html();
// else
// location.href = "menuoptions.html?zname=" + getParameterByName("zname") + "&sid=" + getParameterByName("sid") + "&src=bpv&edit=true&save=true&blogname=" + $("#spnHeading").html();
// vAnswer = false;
// else
// DeleteBlogPost(cid, id, IsDraft);


// );


function GotoBlogs(src, isDraft)
if (isDraft != 2)
var url = "";
if (getParameterByName("zname") != null)
url = "ListBlogs.aspx?zname=" + getParameterByName("zname");

if (getParameterByName("gname") != null)
url = "ListBlogs.aspx?gname=" + getParameterByName("gname");

var sid = $("#selectblog").val();
if (src == undefined)
switch (getParameterByName('src'))
case "bp":
var streamID;
if (sid == "")
streamID = $("#selectblog").val();
streamID = sid;
if (getParameterByName("zname") != null)
url = "BlogPost.aspx?zname=" + getParameterByName('zname') + "&sid=" + sid;
else if (getParameterByName("gname") != null)
url = "BlogPost.aspx?gname=" + getParameterByName('gname') + "&sid=" + sid;
if (isDraft == 1)
url = url + "&t=d";
case "bpv":
if (getParameterByName('mid') != "" && getParameterByName('mid') != null)
if ($("#btnDraft").html() == "Save as Draft"
else if (getParameterByName('sid') != "" && getParameterByName('sid') != null)
url = "v.aspx?sid=" + sid;

case "h":
url = "bloghome.htm";
case "ch":
url = "Channel.aspx?ch=" + $.trim($("#chkbx" + getParameterByName('chval')).parent().next().html());
if (getParameterByName("zname") != null)
url = "ListBlogs.aspx?zname=" + getParameterByName('zname');
url = "ListBlogs.aspx?gname=" + getParameterByName('gname');

if (getParameterByName("src") != null && getParameterByName("src") == 'ch')
url = "Channel.aspx?ch=" + $.trim($("#chkbx" + getParameterByName('chval')).parent().next().html());

if (IsApp)
location.href = url + "&app=m";

location.href = url;

else sid == null)
url = "ListBlogs.aspx?";
if (getParameterByName("zname") != null)
url = url + "zname=" + getParameterByName('zname');

else if (getParameterByName("gname") != null)
url = url + "gname=" + getParameterByName('gname');

url = "BlogPost.aspx?sid=" + sid;
if (getParameterByName("zname") != null)
url = url + "&zname=" + getParameterByName('zname');

else if (getParameterByName("gname") != null)
url = url + "&gname=" + getParameterByName('gname');

if (isDraft == '1')
url = url + "&t=d";

if (IsApp)
location.href = url + "&app=m";

location.href = url;

/// END : Create New Blog Post Functionality

/// START : HashTag
/*------------------Code for HashTag-------------------*/
function unique(array)
if (array != null)
return $.grep(array, function (el, index)
return index == $.inArray(el, array);

return "";

function FilterHashKeys()
var EditorContent;
var HashKeys = [];
EditorContent = tinyMCE.editors[0].getContent( format: 'text' );
//HashKeys = EditorContent.match(/#(\S+)/g);
// var Content = RemoveUnwantedKeys();

HashKeys = EditorContent.toLowerCase().match(/#([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)/g);

// \B#(\w*[A-Za-z_]+\w*)

return unique(HashKeys);

function SaveHashKeys(CubeeId)
var HashkeyList = [];
HashkeyList = FilterHashKeys();

if (HashkeyList.length > 0)

var HashKeystrings = HashkeyList.join(',');

//var Keys = RemoveUnwantedKeys(HashKeystrings);

//var postItems = type: 'addhashtag', HashTag: HashKeystrings, CubeeIds: CubeeId
var postItems = type: 'addhashtag', HashTag: HashKeystrings, CubeeIds: CubeeId
$.post("Hashtag.ashx", postItems, function (data)


function RemoveUnwantedKeys(StringKeys) /ig, ).replace(/\[/ig, ).replace(/\]/ig, ).replace(/\/ig, ).replace(/\/ig, ).replace(/\`/ig, ).replace(/\~/ig, ).replace(/\_/ig, ).replace(/\-/ig, );

var WordsExtract = AvoidTheseWords(StringContent.toLowerCase(), SomeArray);
return cleanThisArray(WordsExtract);

var ExpectedNumberOfKeywords = 30;
function AvoidTheseWords(StringContent, AvoidWordsArray)
var SplitContentArray = StringContent.split(' ');
var ResultArray = $.grep(SplitContentArray, function (value, index)
for (var WordCount = 0; WordCount < AvoidWordsArray.length; WordCount++) able\\b
, true);
return ResultArray.slice(0, ExpectedNumberOfKeywords);

function cleanThisArray(actual)
var newArray = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < actual.length; i++)
if ((actual[i].trim() != "") /*&& (actual[i].trim().length < 10)*/ && (actual[i].trim().length > 2))
newArray.push("#" + actual[i]);

return newArray.toString();

/// END : HashTag

function GotoBlogPost()

if (IsApp)
location.href = "v.aspx?app=m&sid=" + getParameterByName('sid');

location.href = "v.aspx?sid=" + getParameterByName('sid');

function simulateKeyPress(character)
jQuery.event.trigger( type: 'keypress', which: character.charCodeAt(0) );

function SortByName1(x, y)
return ((x.Texts == y.Texts) ? 0 : ((x.Texts > y.Texts) ? 1 : -1));

function SortByName(a, b)
var ret = 0;
a = a.Texts.toLowerCase(); b = b.Texts.toLowerCase();
if (a > b)
ret = 1;
if (a < b)
ret = -1;
return ret;

function BindBlogs(newblogID)
var uin = $.trim($("#hdnLoggedInUIN").val());
var DefaultBlogID = "";
var DefaultBlogText = "";
var BlogListUIN =
BlogListUIN = getParameterByName('type') == "GBlog" ? walluin : uin;
if ($("#selectblog").children().length == 0 && (BlogListUIN != ))
postItems = getParameterByName('type') == "GBlog" ? type: 'GetGroupBlogList', uin: walluin  : type: 'GetBlogList', uin: uin ;
$.post("ZBlogHandler.ashx?t=" + (new Date()).getTime(), postItems, function (data)
if (data != null)
var select = $("#selectblog"); select.children().remove();
var arr = eval(data);
$(arr).each(function (index, item)
// if (getParameterByName('zname') != "" && getParameterByName('zname') != null)
// if (unescape(item.Texts) == getParameterByName('zname') + "'s Blog")
// DefaultBlogID = item.Value;
if ($("#hdnLoggedInZName").val() != null && $("#hdnLoggedInZName").val() != "")
if (unescape(item.Texts).toLowerCase() == ($("#hdnLoggedInZName").val() + "'s Blog").toLowerCase())
DefaultBlogID = item.Value;
DefaultBlogText = $("#hdnLoggedInZName").val() + "'s Blog";

else if (getParameterByName('gname') != "" && getParameterByName('gname') != null)
if (unescape(item.Texts) == getParameterByName('gname') + "'s Blog")
DefaultBlogID = item.Value;
DefaultBlogText = getParameterByName('gname') + "'s Blog";


catch (e)

if (newblogID != "")
else if (sid != "" && sid != null)
else if (DefaultBlogID != "")
//if (getParameterByName('zname') != "" && getParameterByName('zname') != null)
/* if ($("#hdnLoggedInZName").val() != null && $("#hdnLoggedInZName").val() != "")

$("#selectblog").val(DefaultBlogID); $('#bloggername').html(getParameterByName('zname') + "'s Blog");

else if (getParameterByName('gname') != "" && getParameterByName('gname') != null)

$("#selectblog").val(DefaultBlogID); $('#bloggername').html(getParameterByName('gname') + "'s Blog");
$("#selectblog").val(DefaultBlogID); $('#bloggername').html(DefaultBlogText);

//if (getParameterByName('zname') != "" && getParameterByName('zname') != null)
if ($("#hdnLoggedInZName").val() != null && $("#hdnLoggedInZName").val() != "")
select.prepend($("<option>").val(0).text($("#hdnLoggedInZName").val() + "'s Blog"));

else if (getParameterByName('gname') != "" && getParameterByName('gname') != null)
select.prepend($("<option>").val(0).text(getParameterByName('gname') + "'s Blog"));


sid = $("#selectblog").val();


function SearchBlogs()

if (IsApp)
location.href = "BlogSearch.aspx?app=m&st=default&s=" + $("#txtSearchBlog").val();

location.href = "BlogSearch.aspx?st=default&s=" + $("#txtSearchBlog").val();

function InitBlogCreatePop()
$('#categorySuggestion').css('display', 'none'); $('.BGDivPopUp').css('display', 'block');
$("#txtPostHead").val(""); $("#txtPostCategory").val("General");

function eToggle()
$('#extrafields').toggle(function ()
//$("#toggle").attr('src') == "http://a3.userfiles.ingrid.ws/zcommunity/img/Blog/addPanel.png" ? $("#toggle").attr('src', 'img/Blog/hidePanel.png') : $("#toggle").attr('src', 'img/Blog/addPanel.png');
$("#toggle").attr('src') == "http://a3.userfiles.ingrid.ws/zcommunity/img/Blog/addPanel.png" ? $("#toggle").attr('src', 'http://a3.userfiles.ingrid.ws/zcommunity/img/Blog/hidePanel.png') : $("#toggle").attr('src', 'http://a3.userfiles.ingrid.ws/zcommunity/img/Blog/addPanel.png');

function BlogEnterKeyPressed(e)
if (e.keyCode == 13)

// function GetSelectedChannels()
// var Channels = "";
// $("#chkchannels input").each(function (index, item)
// if ($(item).attr("checked"))
// Channels = Channels + $(item).val() + ",";
// );
// Channels = Channels.slice(0, Channels.length - 1);
// return Channels;
function GotoListBlogs()
if (getParameterByName("chval") != null)
if ($("#chkbx" + getParameterByName('chval')).parent().parent().children().last().length > 0)
GotoChannel($("#chkbx" + getParameterByName('chval')).parent().parent().children().last().html());

else if (getParameterByName("zname") != null)

if (IsApp)
location.href = "ListBlogs.aspx?app=m&zname=" + getParameterByName("zname");

location.href = "ListBlogs.aspx?zname=" + getParameterByName("zname");

GotoBlogs('bp', IsDraft)

function PullDropDown()
var element = $("select")[0], worked = false;
if (document.createEvent) // all browsers
var e = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
e.initMouseEvent("mousedown", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
worked = element.dispatchEvent(e);
else if (element.fireEvent) // ie
worked = element.fireEvent("onmousedown");

if (!worked) // unknown browser / error
alert("It didn't worked in your browser.");

//Autocomplete : Clicked category to text box
function Tobox(name)
document.getElementById('txtBlogCategory').value = unescape(name);
document.getElementById('ccCategory').style.display = 'none';

function PostTobox(name)
document.getElementById('txtPostCategory').value = unescape(name);
document.getElementById('ccCategory').style.display = 'none';

//Autocomplete : Close the auto completed pop up
function closePop()
document.getElementById('categorySuggestion').style.display = 'none';
$("#categoryClose").css('display', 'none');

function AutoCompleteHandler(id)
searchkey = document.getElementById(id).value.trim();
if (searchkey ==
document.getElementById('ccCategory').style.display = 'none';

var hasBuddy = "0";
var qString = "Mode=getCategory"
var AjaxUrl = "CategoryHandler.ashx?" + qString + "&SearchKey=" + searchkey;
$.post(AjaxUrl, function (data)
if (data != null)
CategoryEval = eval(data.toString());
document.getElementById('ccCategory').style.display = 'block';
$("#categorySuggestion").css('display', 'block');
$("#categoryClose").css('display', 'block');

if (CategoryEval == null)
document.getElementById('ccCategory').style.display = 'none';

var code = " CATEGORYNAME ";
var length = CategoryEval.length;
for (var k = 0; k < length; k++)
var template = code; var cat = escape(CategoryEval[k].CategoryName); var str = template.replace(/ECATEGORYNAME/gi, cat);
str = str.replace(/CATEGORYNAME/gi, CategoryEval[k].CategoryName);

document.getElementById('ccCategory').style.display = 'none';

function PostAutoCompleteHandler(id)
searchkey = document.getElementById(id).value.trim();
if (searchkey == )
document.getElementById('ccCategory').style.display = 'none';

var hasBuddy = "0";

var AjaxUrl = "CategoryHandler.ashx?Mode=getCategory&SearchKey=" + searchkey;
$.post(AjaxUrl, function (data)
if (data != null)
CategoryEval = eval(data.toString());
document.getElementById('postccCategory').style.display = 'block';

$("#postcategoryClose").css('display', 'block');

if (CategoryEval == null)
document.getElementById('postccCategory').style.display = 'none';

var code = " CATEGORYNAME ";
var length = CategoryEval.length;
for (var k = 0; k < length; k++)
var template = code; var cat = escape(CategoryEval[k].CategoryName);
var str = template.replace(/ECATEGORYNAME/gi, cat);
str = str.replace(/CATEGORYNAME/gi, CategoryEval[k].CategoryName);

document.getElementById('ccCategory').style.display = 'none';

function InformParent(id)
// This function is not using for any purpose. Purpose : To avoid error in console.

function IsEmptyEditor()
)).length > 0)
return true;

return false;

var IsFetched = false;
function LoadChannelsToddlOLD()
if (!IsFetched)
var postItems = type: 'GetChannels'
$.post("ZBlogHandler.ashx?t=" + (new Date()).getTime(), postItems, function (data) );

function LoadChannelsToddl()
if (!IsFetched)
// var postItems = type: 'GetChannels'
// $.post("ZBlogHandler.ashx?t=" + (new Date()).getTime(), postItems, function (data)
// data != "")
// IsFetched = true;
// $("#chkchannels").html("");
// var arr = eval(data);
// ChannelArray = arr;
// GetChannelDesign(ChannelArray);
// );
$.post("ChannelHandler.ashx?Type=getchannels&channelid=0&channeltype=B3User", function (data) );

function ExitNewPost() (DraftId != 0))
// //alert('Save This');
// //$("#divAlertMsg").html($("#B3Popup").html());

// $("#divAlertMsg").show();
// $('body').prepend("
// else
// //alert('Close This');
// GotoListBlogs();

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// if ((SaveType == 'revertdraft') && ($.trim($("#divOriginalHTML").html()) != ReplaceSlideShow()))
// ShowAlert = true;
// else if ((DraftId == "0" && IsEmptyEditor())

function HideConfirmation()

//Authentication check added by Soumya, on 2016October17
function DeleteDraft()
if (document.cookie.indexOf("ZCookie") == -1)

if (DraftId != 0)
sid = $("#selectblog").val() == null ? (getParameterByName('sid') == undefined

function DeleteDraftConfirmation(DraftId) ' + DraftId, 2, "");

function DeleteDraftAuthorisedUser(DraftId)

var PostItems = type: 'DeleteDraft', ID: DraftId
$.post("ZBlogHandler.ashx", PostItems, function (data)
if (data != null)
if (data == "Success")


/******************To add class linkified for inner links in editor added by Rajendu on 20170908***********************************************/
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function GetLiveLinksInEditors()


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// add comment controls also here.
return (SomeFindElements);

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Blog Pattern


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/* if (document.URL.toLowerCase().indexOf("blogcreatenewpost.aspx") > 0)

if (document.URL.toLowerCase().indexOf("blogcreatenewpost.aspx") > 0)

/* paste_postprocess: function(plugin, args)
someurlstring = "<a class='previewed linkified' href='" + UrlInEditor + "'>" + UrlInEditor + "</a>";

args.content = UrlInEditor.replace(UrlInEditor, someurlstring);
tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.select(tinyMCE.activeEditor.getBody(), true);
setup: function (ed)

ed.on('init', function (e, l)

/*ed.onClick.add(function(ed, evt)

$(ed.getBody()).find('a').each(function(index, element)
if (!$(this).attr('href').search('http'))
$(this).attr('href', 'http://' + $(this).attr('href'));

ed.on('click', function (ed,evt)

if(evt!== undefined)

if (evt.target.className == 'linkclose')


//$(ed.getBody()).find('iframe').each(function(index, element));


var SquareBracket = "";
var CurCursurIndex = "";

function GetFocus()

if (IsMobileDevice())

$('html, body').animate(
scrollTop: $("#CreateBlogTitle").offset().top


function GetPostSuggestionBox()

var PostSuggestionTemplate = $(".EditorcheckboxcontainerTemp").html();
PostItems = type: 'bs', st: "Heading", s: $.trim($("#txtBlogHeadSearch").val()), sid: sid ;
$.post("ZBlogHandler.ashx", PostItems, function (data)

if (data != null)

var ObjSearchResult = eval(data);

if (decodeURIComponent(ObjSearchResult[0].ID) != "No More Results")

for (var k = 0; k < ObjSearchResult.length; k++)

SomeTemplateCode = PostSuggestionTemplate;
SomeTemplateCode = SomeTemplateCode.replace(/BLOGXID/gi, decodeURIComponent(ObjSearchResult[k].ID));
//SomeTemplateCode = SomeTemplateCode.replace(/BLOGXSEARCHTERM/gi, $.trim($("#txtBlogHeadSearch").val()));
SomeTemplateCode = SomeTemplateCode.replace(/ESCBLOGXHead/gi, escape(decodeURIComponent(ObjSearchResult[k].Heading)));
SomeTemplateCode = SomeTemplateCode.replace(/BLOGXHead/gi, decodeURIComponent(ObjSearchResult[k].Heading));

//SomeTemplateCode = SomeTemplateCode.replace(/BLOGXHead/gi, decodeURIComponent(ObjSearchResult[k].Preview));


if ($(".Editorcheckboxcontainer").html().length > 0)

$(".Editorcheckboxcontainerdiv, .blackBG").show(function ()



function SelectThisPost(thisobj, sid, Postheading)


function PinToContent()

var str = "";
str = "<a href='" + BlogPostShortURL + $.trim($('.EditorItemSelected #thisid').val()) + "'>" + unescape($('#txtBlogText').val()) + "</a> ";

//var ed = tinyMCE.get('Editor'); // get editor instance
//var range = ed.selection.getRng().startOffset; // get range

var beditor = tinymce.activeEditor;
var bcontent = beditor.getContent();
var lstindex = bcontent.lastIndexOf("[[");
bcontent = bcontent.substring(0, lstindex);
beditor.setContent(bcontent + ' ');
//move the editor cursor to the end position
beditor.selection.select(beditor.getBody(), true);

tinymce.activeEditor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, str);
//ed = tinyMCE.get('Editor'); // get editor instance
//range = ed.selection.getRng().startOffset; // get range

//var TEditor = tinymce.activeEditor.getContent();
//tinymce.activeEditor.setContent(TEditor.replace(TEditor.substring(range - 2, range), ""));
$(".Editorcheckboxcontainerdiv, .blackBG").hide();


function BackToLinks()


function CancelLinks()

var beditor = tinymce.activeEditor;
var bcontent = beditor.getContent();
var lstindex = bcontent.lastIndexOf("[[");
bcontent = bcontent.substring(0, lstindex);

$(".Editorcheckboxcontainerdiv, .blackBG").hide();


function AutoSaveB3Draft()

if ($(".buttondivnewpost").css('display') == 'block')

setTimeout(function ()

, 500);*/

$(window).load(function ()

//This is to reduce the font size dropdown list
$('.mce-tinymce').find('[aria-label = Font Sizes]').find('span').css('width', '29px');
/*$('.mce-tinymce').find('[aria-label = Font Family]').hide();
$('.mce-tinymce').find('[aria-label = Font Family]').find('span').text('Aa').css('width', '20px');
$('.mce-tinymce').find('[aria-label = Font Family]').show();*/
//$('.mce-tinymce').find('[aria-label = Font Family]').find('span').text('Aa').css('width', '35px');
$('.mce-tinymce').find("span:contains('Formats')").text('AA').css('width', '23px');

$(".EditorShareDiv").css("width", "300px");
$(".EditorShareDiv").css("margin-top", "3px");
$(".EditorShareDiv").css("float", "left");
$("#mce_54").css('margin-left', '305px');*/

function SetText()

var sizeid = $(".mce-text")[0].id;
$("#" + sizeid).html("Size");

function Close()

if (IsSlideShow)


var IsSlideShow = false;
function OpenSlideShow(pnlClose, pnlOpen, This)

IsSlideShow = true;
if ($("#slideShowPreview img").length > 0)


$("#btnSlideShow").css('display', 'inline-block');
$("#btnSlideShowPlay").css('display', 'inline-block');

//$("#" + pnlClose).removeAttr("style");
//$("#" + pnlClose).attr("style", "width:100%;display:none");
//$("#" + pnlOpen).removeAttr("style");
//$("#" + pnlOpen).attr("style", "width:100%;display:block");

function PinToEditor()

if ($.trim($("#slideShowPreview").html()) != "")

// var str = "";
// str += "
// str += $("#slideShowPreview").html();
// str += "
// str = "<img src='img/blog/SlideShow.png'/>";



IsSlideShow = false;
$("#pnlPhotoOption table td:first").show();

//Function for insert image from my album to editor
function GotoMessageEditor(ImagePath)

if (IsSlideShow)

//alert("slideshow 1");
<img src=\"' + ImagePath + '" />

if ($("#slideShowPreview img").length > 0)

$("#btnSlideShow").css('display', 'inline-block');


var goto = "<a class='lightbox' target=_blank href='" + (ImagePath) + "'> <img src='" + (ImagePath) + "' /></a>";


title="Share Images" class="EditorShare3" onclick="ShowPanelContainer(this.src,this.title,'Images')"

style="display: none;">

title="Share Images" class="EditorShare" onclick="ShowPanelContainer(this.src,this.title,'Images')">

title="Share Gifts" class="EditorShare" onclick="ShowPanelContainer(this.src,this.title,'Gifts')">

title="Share My Experiences" class="EditorShare" onclick="ShowPanelContainer(this.src,this.title,'Exp')">

title="Share Video" class="EditorShare" onclick="ShowPanelContainer(this.src,this.title,'Video')">

title="Embed HTML" class="EditorShare" onclick="ShowPanelContainer(this.src,this.title,'HTML')">

title="Share Documents" class="EditorShare" onclick="ShowPanelContainer(this.src,this.title,'Doc')">

<textarea id="Editor" name="Editor" style="width: 100%; height: 400px"></textarea>

<input type="hidden" name="hidLogo" id="hidLogo" />

<input type="hidden" name="hidFile" id="hidFile" />




Heading <input id="txtBlogHead" maxlength="150" class="InputBox" name="ccHead" type="text" <br="" /> placeholder="Heading" required="required"><span style="display: none; color: red;" <br=""></span> id="spnHeadRequired"> * Heading field required.


[ ] style="text-decoration: underline;" id="SlideShowText">Add Slide Show [ ] style="text-decoration: underline;" value="Birthday">Add Image URL [ ] style="text-decoration: underline;" value="Smileys">Upload Photo [ ] value="AlbumImages">Album Images