Natural Herbal Remedies for Insomnia

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Insomnia is a condition in which you can not sleep at night. These are signs when you throw and turn the pillow into your bed. Insomnia can get worse for your body if it still occurs at night. You need to find a solution to make sure you sleep well at night if your body does not fall and you have a serious illness.
Why is there so much insomnia today? One of the reasons is that Thomas Alva Edison has found a light bulb. Why can it cause insomnia? Because after Thomas Alva Edison found the bulb, it seemed like there was nothing dark in the world so people could work all day, even at night. You can compare this situation with a light bulb found by Thomas Alva Edison.
It is best to use natural herbal remedies before taking sleeping pills to treat insomnia, as sleeping pills can make you addicted. Here are some natural herbal remedies that you can try at home:
1. California poppy. If you eat a potion from the leaves and flowers of this plant, it can be useful at night as a relaxing medicine, it is not addictive.
2. Catnip. The cat likes this herb. This herb can have a calming effect on people, and sometimes it also offers very diluted tea for infants and children who have trouble sleeping.
3. Celery seed. By inhaling the aroma of this herb, you can feel sleepy. In France, this herb extract is used to reduce excess water in the body and eliminate toxins from the body that should help sleep.
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4. Dong Quay. She is considered a Chinese woman "Factory of the Emperor of Medicine". For over 5000 years, it has been used to balance the metabolism in the body, the menstrual cycle and restore the body system. But in the West, people use it to treat insomnia. Not recommended for pregnant, breastfeeding women, menstrual cycles and people using anticoagulants.

5. Hawthorn. It is traditionally used to strengthen the heart muscle and is still widely used in Europe as a medicine for the heart. Make tea from hawthorn to cure insomnia. This medicine is available in capsules as a herbal supplement.
6. Heather. The tea of ​​this flower is an old Scottish medicine for people with insomnia. Drink tea before bedtime.
7. Hop. It has long been used as a cure for sleep. Hops are still popular in Germany and Poland. This plant can have a calming effect if you eat it at night. During dinner, it can reduce your stress by putting this herb in a pillow so that you can breathe the smell.
Light soil plants
8. Melissa. The tea made from this herb is usually mixed with chamomile so that the body relaxes and feels sleepy.This herb is also used to treat depression, anxiety, fatigue due to stress, anything that prevents you to sleep well.
9. The flower of passion. Tea made from this herb can relax your nervous system and cause drowsiness. It is not recommended for pregnant women.
10. Valerian root. To make a layer of valerian, an effective sedative, pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1/2 teaspoon of minced root. Drink 1 cup before bed. Tea can also be taken two to three times during the day. There are capsules and tinctures of valerian root.
11. Chamomile tea made from chamomile was traditionally drunk as a drink before bedtime. To brew, pour 1 cup of boiling water over 2-3 teaspoons of chopped flowers. Cool, then retighten. Tea bags available.
12. St. John's wort. This herb is a treatment not only for depression, but also for nervous anxiety. It can act by inhibiting an enzyme called MAO. This is most effective if taken four to six weeks. To make tea, add 1 to 2 teaspoons of dry flowering tops to 1 cup of boiling water and filter.
Good night
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