WoW Moviewatch The BurningWoW Staircase Event

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The video has been in the news since the beginning of Spring however, I'm pretty certain we haven't spotlighted it. It's an innovative method to make use of a WoW private server. These players created an event, rather than lining up raid bosses to perform the Macarena.

They constructed a staircase in Azeroth a couple of miles high, and allowed other players to access their private server, and then they raced to the top. Let's just say that not everyone made it to top without falling. It was a long and tiring journey.

Check it out for an event that is fun and should be a part of the game.

Moviewatch was earlier available...

EDIT: I should add that while videos created on Private Servers can be great enjoyable to watch, playing or creating a Private Server is not a good idea by Blizzard. We do not suggest doing anything that could impact your game account through Private Servers. Datchley is blogging