Can You Really Make Money From Renting Email Lists

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When most Internet marketers begin seeking ways to rent email lists for their marketing ventures, the question inevitably is: How do I find quality leads? Without having a full grasp of the way these leads were initially collected, nurtured and eventually turned into ready-made email marketing plug-ins, it's hard to know if your investment will ultimately yield any tangible ROI results at all. So, no matter whether you contact an email marketing list owner directly or turn to an email address broker, here are several questions to ask that can save you cash when you rent email lists....

Can-SPAM compliance - Because many people believe they have permission to send unsolicited emails, some marketers fail to abide by CAN-SPAM laws. Some businesses also disregard legal requirements by passing off spam emails as coming from trusted sources such as government departments or hospitals when they aren't. To avoid problems when trying to rent email lists, always ask to receive consent from the person to whom you are sending the emails first.

Who is digital marketing in the telecom sector belongs to? - This is actually a big one! Many people mistakenly believe they have permission to send anyone they want an email, even if the subject line doesn't match the message content. If you are in the process of renting email lists in either North American or European countries, make sure to verify who the subject line belongs to.

Who is this marketer? - Probably the most important question when it comes to the world of marketing and sales is who is this marketer? This is crucial because you want to be able to tailor your email marketing campaigns towards people who are most likely to purchase what you are offering. For example, a doctor would be a good target for an opt-in only marketing campaign than a mortgage broker. In addition, a marketer should never buy lists solely based on how cheap they are.

Is this a reputable marketer? - A reputable marketer should be able to provide verifiable information that will ensure your subscribers end up on your mailing list. This includes proof of legitimacy, a history of success, and a way to contact the marketer if the consumer wants more information.

Is this a great lead generation system? - Lead generation systems are very effective, but sometimes they can be tricky to setup. Many times, marketers will attempt to use lead generation without the customer's knowledge. This can lead to wasted time and effort and even possible legal action. When you rent email lists, the leads should come directly from an opt-in list you have purchased. Make sure your lead generation system is set up properly so nothing happens that you are not aware of.

Will these emails be worth my money? - If you are paying a monthly fee for an opt-in list, you should be able to make some money back. However, if you are just trying to send out one or two emails to potential contacts, then you might want to consider a free service like Aweber. AWeber has a high bounce rate and a large number of contacts available for you to work with.

These are all good questions to ask when thinking about buying email addresses or lists from a list provider. The key thing is to make sure your marketing efforts are geared towards conversion, not lead generation. If you are going to spend money, make sure you are buying your marketing tools from a reputable source. When it comes down to it, many marketing campaigns fail simply because the marketer did not take the time to choose a credible list provider.